Christmas truly is about family, friends and celebrating all things Good.
From our nest to yours Merry Christmas from the LHHIA, please remember to pay your dues.
Christmas truly is about family, friends and celebrating all things Good.
From our nest to yours Merry Christmas from the LHHIA, please remember to pay your dues.
Supporting Cast of Rats in Order of Appearance -
Will the Nutcracker destroy this Rat King?
From Our Nest to Yours
Thanksgiving comes but once a year, yet when it comes it brings Good cheer. Each day I've worked from early morn' gathering puppets and pawns to do my dirty work all day long.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"LHHIA offers special thanks to our PREMIUM MEMBERS"
We strive to disseminate accurate information. Submit errors, additional details and omissions to Mayor Layne Baroldi or council member Howard Vipperman who can relay the corrections during their "Council Comments." Or you can post your corrections online, we promise to make any verifiable adjustments.
Uncanny resemblance to Jean Good Lietzau.
Are these people the political "Kingpins" of the La Habra Heights Improvement Association?
According to a well connected resource within the organization's inner circle, materials to be published in the *Heights Life must first meet with the editorial approval of Claire Spothelfer and Jean Good Lietzau. Peculiar, considering that neither is on the Board of the Improvement Association.
*The Heights Life – A carefully crafted monthly newsletter intended to further the group’s ideology.
Residents are asked to boycott advertisers in the La Habra Heights Improvement Association's "Heights Life" publication. Since board and support members have refused to conduct themselves in a law abiding, civil manner, free of political and redevelopment biases.
Complete list of advertisers, consumers are asked to boycott.
Key reasons to support the boycott
June 2009
Election noticed for Annual General Meeting. At the meeting, it was announced election already held at undisclosed time and place, by undisclosed people.
Upon questioning, Board revealed that by-laws had been changed, but won't let anyone see them; "only board members can see the bylaws"
Members cannot vote for board.
Refused to share financial report with members present.
Promised to send a copy to a member who requested, but never did.
Misrepresented themselves as a 501(c)3 to solicit tax deductible contributions, when they had been a 501(c)4 since 1966.
Mailed solicitations with such misrepresentation constitute "mail fraud".
Mail-in election held in May 2010. Results not published or announced.
June 2010 annual meeting included an agenda item for "election", without any notice to members that an election would be held.
Latest slogan is "LHHIA receives no city funding. "
However, they have received at least $6,000 annually in Los Angeles County taxpayer dollars.
They also receive special treatment, in obtaining free, or almost free, use of City facilities for their public and private events and meetings.
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